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Lord Elpus 11-15-2013 12:58 AM

Modify the rhythm of two beamed quavers
I'm trying to alter the rhythm of two quavers that are beamed together in the last beat of a 4/4 bar

I simply want to make the first quaver a semiquaver, beamed to a dotted quaver . . . or perhaps the reverse. (A dotted quaver beamed to a semiquaver).

This seems to be a simple transition to make, but in <Composer> any alterations to the note values seems to "break" the beam, generate numerous rests and start messing with the following bar, adding ties and even chords (two noteheads on one stick).

Is there a way to turn OFF the snapping features that cause <Composer> to keep "Completing the Circle" at every alteration?

I would be handy, I feel, if such notations could be entered "as a pair".

I would have hoped that the SW would guess that I was merely changing the internal arrangement of the pair of notes.

I have looked through the docs, but so far have been unable to work out how to accomplish this . . . .

Have I missed something?

Best Regards

Lord Elpus

dj 11-15-2013 01:37 PM

Re: Modify the rhythm of two beamed quavers
Hi, Lord Elpus:

The problem you're running into is that changing the length of either note necessarily inserts a rest into the space between the two notes.

For instance, changing the first note to a semi-quaver (16th) inserts a 16th note rest between the two. In Composer (Mark Walsen having been a "traditional" notation fiend), you're not supposed to beam over a rest.

However, sliding the second quaver left (shift-left-arrow) and extending its length to a dotted quaver (1. or 1d) will automatically beam the two notes again.

Is that what you were asking about?


Lord Elpus 11-16-2013 01:54 AM

Re: Modify the rhythm of two beamed quavers
Thanks for your quick reply Dave,

My description was more a "for instance" than actual . .

I had in fact a dotted quaver and a semi (or the other way round) and I simply wanted to reverse the rhythm.

I managed eventually to get it the way I wanted it, using your commands - but am not clear in my mind how I did it:eek:

It seems to me that the way <Composer> works, is that it requires preparatory steps to be actioned BEFORE you make your changes.

The fact that the whole "Part" acts as a closed system which reacts to every action can distract you from your purpose - as you see things occurring that you DID NOT want - though they might be "in passing" - as it were . .they are still somewhat alarming . . . .

Is there a description anywhere in simple language which explains the MO of the program with respect to these "preamble steps" which are required to perform an action?

Such as - "before you can do this - you need to make room by . . . . . " for instance?

I am finding it very confusing at the moment.

Things have progressed - but painfully slowly . . . .

Best Regards

Lord Elpus

dj 11-16-2013 01:51 PM

Re: Modify the rhythm of two beamed quavers
Hi, Lord Elpus:

I think I see where you are coming from.

Composer doesn't regard the notes as a stream of objects that can be re-arranged at random.

Rather, each measure contains "X" amount of "Y" beats that must be filled at all times.

Therefore, each note or rest has a set starting and ending point (which can be altered), and Composer automatically supplies rests in appropriate places to keep each beat of each measure properly aligned.

So shortening, or lengthening, one note doesn't move everything after it, rather it simply alters that note and inserts or removes rests as appropriate.

If you find yourself in a position of changing a figure in several places, I suggest you just change one and then cut and paste the rest.

Good Luck.


Lord Elpus 11-16-2013 03:49 PM

Re: Modify the rhythm of two beamed quavers
Thanks for your continued advice David,

I guess I'm a guilty as the rest in expecting "instant gratification".

In truth, I just need to spend more time with <Composer> and its Docs, until I get my head around the way it likes to do things.

Practice makes perfect I suspect - as in all things to do with Music eh?:D

Your advice has concentrated my mind - and I shall persist . . . .

Many Thanks:)

Lord Elpus

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