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jpbaker67 10-11-2022 07:02 PM

Hi, all. I don't know what word to use but "indent" to describe my situation. I made a jazz lead sheet for a guy, and he asked if I could leave the 4-bar intro as is, and then start bar 5 on a new line, indented in an inch or so, like if you were to hit the "tab" button when writing a new paragraph. He then would like if I could do the same with different sections throughout the chart. Is this a way to do this on Composer, other than printing up numerous copies and cutting and pasting? Thanks!

Sherry C 10-12-2022 04:11 AM

Re: Indenting

The short answer is "no". Composer does not have a "tab" or "indent" feature for Systems.

That said, you could (if you're not going to number the measures)

  1. leave a blank measure at the beginning of each system where he wants an indent (use Layout/Page layout/Move barlines and staves to adjust the "indent measure"),
  2. save the score as an image file,
  3. then take it into a graphic editor (even Paint would work) and
  4. white out (or erase) the "indent measure" before printing.
If you do that while having measure numbers visible it will goof up the numbering for the printout. Rather, you could include Rehearsal marks in the song file to side step that problem.

Hope this helps.


jpbaker67 10-17-2022 10:22 PM

Re: Indenting
Yes, that helped. Thanks!

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